Yes...it is the law. And why? Why take the time to slow down or move over if you see flashing lights? Because it is my husband, my friend, my employee, my children's father, the father of other children, it is someone's son, daughter...
Have you ever been broken down on the side of the road, fearful to open your door because of all of the traffic zooming by? Well you are smart to be scared. All it takes is the young driver texting a friend (which I saw myself today, by the way-or btw for all you "texters")-to look away for one moment. Which is why this exists:

It is a wall located at the International Hall of Towing and Recovery located in Chattanooga, TN.
To honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice, to generate public awareness of the dangers involved in the towing & recovery industry and to permanently record and commemorate those involved in fatalities in the towing &
recovery industry.
IE: people killed in the line of duty while towing a vehicle.
So please help us to spread the word. We are not only talking about tow trucks, but police, rescue vehicles, fire trucks, and County Highway workers.
Pay attention and please take the time to move over or slow down. All it takes is one incorrect move-
for one of us to become "one of them."